How much paint do you need?

Paint Calculator

Paint Calculator Tool

Determine how many gallons of paint you need.

Paint Calculator

Enter each wall width in feet
Enter wall height in feet
Enter number of doors
Enter number of windows


Are you wondering how many gallons of paint you need?

Determine the square footage of the room by entering the width of each wall and the height of the room you want to paint. Enter the number of doors and windows in the room to provide a more accurate estimate of the number of gallons required to paint the room.

The paint calculator uses the following assumptions when determining the number of gallons of paint:

When estimating the number of gallons required to paint your room, consider that unfinished walls will absorb more paint and will require additional coats. Also, changing from a darker color to a lighter color will likely require a second coat of paint as well.

Paint calculator Paint calculator  receives 5 out of  5 stars from 226 reviews. Learn more about using the Paint Calculator here.

Free tool takes away the guess work when determining how much paint you need to paint a room.